Saturday 28 June 2014

Then and now

Then i was happy.
I was free.
I was flying.                                    
Breezing through with out a care.  
Never wanting to land.
Never wanting to leave.  

Now i am not.
I am bound.
I am grounded.
Kept yanking my chains.
Kept pulling out.
Kept trying to vacate.
Then i was appreciated.
Aside people i cared about.
Aside people i know.
Then i was together.                                      

Now i am neglected.  
Aside strangers.
All around me.
Now i am alone.
Then i was making memories.
The very best of them.
Now i am forgetting them.
Forgetting this nightmare

Then i was satiated.
Full of enjoyment.
Now i am hollowed.
Gauged out.
Left to fade.

Between then and now.

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