Wednesday 27 May 2015

There is a crack in my heart
So large it brittle everywhere
Pieces of my heart
Lodging wherever it went

There is a crack in my heart
Placed by you
Whose smile I yearn
And laughter I sought

You make me smile
When you walked into the room
You make me laugh
Even when I'm about to cry

But then you turn around
And shattered my dream
There is a crack in my heart
When I see you with him

Saturday 9 May 2015

How easy it was
For me to
forget everything
And break down
my defense
Whenever I see you
As we dance through the night.
As we sway to the rhythm of our heartbeat.
As the moon shine so bright.
And the star twinkled above us.

Thats when i realized,
All the crazy fights we have
All the quarrel and the silence
Are worth every bit

When i have these moments
To enjoy with you.

Friday 17 April 2015


I keep coming back to you
Whenever and wherever i am
I keep coming back to you

You are the first
The one that i loved this way
And you are the last
That I gave my heart away
At least, I hope

And I need to stop hoping
Hoping for you to return
Hoping for you to stay 
Because the moon never stay

Because the stars that shine
And the nights it shone
Will disappear when dawn rise
Oh how i wish it won't

So let me weep
My tears flow
Let me cry my eyes out
And howl and sorrow

And then leave my heart
Broken and shattered
For me to pick up
And put together

But leave me alone
Make me realise
Make me see
Make it known

That you are not mine
That you will never bend
That it never last
That dreams need to end

Maybe when i wake up
It will all fade away
But like every good dream
I hope the memory stay

Monday 22 December 2014

I'll try

I've forgotten you
And remembered you
And forgotten you.
And I couldn't stop myself from falling over you again and again.
Even when I try not to.
Even when I knew you wouldn't fall for me.

I tried.
And failed.                  
And I don't know what else to do.
Everything I did only makes it harder.
Until now.
At least it would be easier.

I will stop.
I wont contact you anymore.
And if you truly care for me,

Help me.

Help me bury you deep in my mind.
Help me leave you as an echo.
An echo that will fade away.
And someday maybe we will meet again.
And maybe I have already lost this feeling at that time.
Then I will not be burden by this.
Maybe we could start over then.
As friends.
Nothing more.

Or maybe we will never see each other again.
And I will fight this feeling everyday.
And pushing you away every time you resurface.
So that I may fight again tomorrow.
And the day after.
And the day after.
Until the day I no longer couldn't.

I am sorry for being selfish.
Maybe this will mean something to you.
Maybe you will discard this letter and carry on with your live.
Whichever it is, its up to you.        
And I will stick to my decision        
For whats best for me.
Therefore I will leave on a more friendly note.

Thank you for all the years of our friendship.
Forgive me for every mean words and
Wrong doings that I have done to you
Please don't tell our friends what or why i did this.  
I will try to limit my time with them.  
So you would have more without them being awkward.

And if I wont see you again, I hope this words will suffice.
Certain things in life you cannot control.
This being the very first example.
But I'll try

Friday 29 August 2014

Phone Call

Life away from home is hard.
Especially when youre alone.
With no friends.
Familiar faces.

Even after making new friends.
Youll always be looking out.
Waiting for the phone to ring.
A news from home.
Joy to the ears.

Especially from that one person.
Who meant more that you could say.
Whose heart heavied the most.
For you to leave behind.
And you stayed up talking to them.  
Neither wanted to say goodbye.

So you just talks and talks.
Until you runs out of things to talks.
And you just stay there.
Feeling each others presence.
Even few miles apart.
Yet at that moment.
At that instance.
You are together.

Sunday 29 June 2014


Another word for uniform.

A civilized country.
Robbed of its uniqueness.
Its cultures lost.
Defined only by its uniformity.

Whole nation full of mind.
Forced to think in one way.
To never deviate.
In fear of exile.
Of poverty.
But poverty is liberty.
Liberty to thrive.
To lead.
Not follow.

In a fully advanced world.
There are no culture diversity.
No different accent.
No vast tradition.
Only singularity.
Simple, narrow minded.
No identity.

Why did people prefer civilization?
I haven't had the slightest idea.