Monday 22 December 2014

I'll try

I've forgotten you
And remembered you
And forgotten you.
And I couldn't stop myself from falling over you again and again.
Even when I try not to.
Even when I knew you wouldn't fall for me.

I tried.
And failed.                  
And I don't know what else to do.
Everything I did only makes it harder.
Until now.
At least it would be easier.

I will stop.
I wont contact you anymore.
And if you truly care for me,

Help me.

Help me bury you deep in my mind.
Help me leave you as an echo.
An echo that will fade away.
And someday maybe we will meet again.
And maybe I have already lost this feeling at that time.
Then I will not be burden by this.
Maybe we could start over then.
As friends.
Nothing more.

Or maybe we will never see each other again.
And I will fight this feeling everyday.
And pushing you away every time you resurface.
So that I may fight again tomorrow.
And the day after.
And the day after.
Until the day I no longer couldn't.

I am sorry for being selfish.
Maybe this will mean something to you.
Maybe you will discard this letter and carry on with your live.
Whichever it is, its up to you.        
And I will stick to my decision        
For whats best for me.
Therefore I will leave on a more friendly note.

Thank you for all the years of our friendship.
Forgive me for every mean words and
Wrong doings that I have done to you
Please don't tell our friends what or why i did this.  
I will try to limit my time with them.  
So you would have more without them being awkward.

And if I wont see you again, I hope this words will suffice.
Certain things in life you cannot control.
This being the very first example.
But I'll try

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