Thursday 26 June 2014

Our Moments.

Moments defines us.
The sad ones.
The happy ones.
They molded us into what we are.
They shaped us into beings.
And the best of them are hard to came by.

The moment in the river.
Where we played.
And we laughed.
Just the best.

The moment on the beach.
Under the starry night.
On the crib nettings.
Breeze of the winds.
Accompanied by friends.
By loved ones.

And we talked.
And we play.
And we teased.
Like there are no worries.
Like we have no care for the world.

The best moments are rare.
The moments we are together.
They never really leave.
They stayed in our memories.
Our moments.

Those will never be forgotten.
Till the day I die.
I would never forget.
That I have such amazing friends.
Because you guys are my moments.
Because you guys defines me.

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