Sunday 29 June 2014


Another word for uniform.

A civilized country.
Robbed of its uniqueness.
Its cultures lost.
Defined only by its uniformity.

Whole nation full of mind.
Forced to think in one way.
To never deviate.
In fear of exile.
Of poverty.
But poverty is liberty.
Liberty to thrive.
To lead.
Not follow.

In a fully advanced world.
There are no culture diversity.
No different accent.
No vast tradition.
Only singularity.
Simple, narrow minded.
No identity.

Why did people prefer civilization?
I haven't had the slightest idea.

Saturday 28 June 2014

Then and now

Then i was happy.
I was free.
I was flying.                                    
Breezing through with out a care.  
Never wanting to land.
Never wanting to leave.  

Now i am not.
I am bound.
I am grounded.
Kept yanking my chains.
Kept pulling out.
Kept trying to vacate.
Then i was appreciated.
Aside people i cared about.
Aside people i know.
Then i was together.                                      

Now i am neglected.  
Aside strangers.
All around me.
Now i am alone.
Then i was making memories.
The very best of them.
Now i am forgetting them.
Forgetting this nightmare

Then i was satiated.
Full of enjoyment.
Now i am hollowed.
Gauged out.
Left to fade.

Between then and now.

Friday 27 June 2014


I dont like it here.
Its dark.
And gloomy.
I dont want to be here.

I dont like it here.
There are monsters nearby.
They wear fake masks.
And they have fake voices.
Try to show that they are full of life.
But deep down the re empty.
Nothing but shells.

I dont like it here.
There are better moments.
Better companion.
Better friends.
Why am i not with them?

I dont like it here.
I wish i was with them.
I wish i was anywhere.
Anywhere but here.

Thursday 26 June 2014

Our Moments.

Moments defines us.
The sad ones.
The happy ones.
They molded us into what we are.
They shaped us into beings.
And the best of them are hard to came by.

The moment in the river.
Where we played.
And we laughed.
Just the best.

The moment on the beach.
Under the starry night.
On the crib nettings.
Breeze of the winds.
Accompanied by friends.
By loved ones.

And we talked.
And we play.
And we teased.
Like there are no worries.
Like we have no care for the world.

The best moments are rare.
The moments we are together.
They never really leave.
They stayed in our memories.
Our moments.

Those will never be forgotten.
Till the day I die.
I would never forget.
That I have such amazing friends.
Because you guys are my moments.
Because you guys defines me.

Friday 20 June 2014

Rest Now

Rest now.
You have been brave.  
You fought for so long.
Fallen yet you rise back up.
Time and time again.
You have prove your worthiness.
You may not be a warrior.
But you are a hero.

Rest now.  
You have earned it.
A battle is never lost until we quit.
And not even a whimper escaped from your mouth.              
Frowns on your brow but still you stay.
Still you fight.

Rest now.
Your battles are over.
Wear your scars with pride.
Held your chest up high.
Its your rights.
You are among champions.

Rest now.
Place your armor.
Lift your helmet.
The times of war is over.
The pains have gone away.
You dont have to feel it ever again.

Rest now.
Dawn is almost upon us.
It has been a long and weary night.
A new day awaits you.
Enjoy it.

Rest now.
Relish your freedom.
We'll be joining you soon.
Rest now.

~for her~

Sunday 15 June 2014


I am water. 
Flowing in a river downstream. 
Following the path that I fall upon. 
Through the cracks and crevices. 
Trying desperately to return. 
To return to the ocean. 
To join the other. 
To never be alone again.

I am water. 
Streaming along the path others has taken before. 
Along the path others has set upon me. 
To follow and to never deviate. 
Or break free and got lost. 
Lost away from home.

I am water. 
Thrusts and turns and fall painfully. 
Choked yet I still flow. 
Breaks yet I still run. 
To reach the ocean full of others.

I am water. 
Finally reaching the estuary. 
Finally joining the other. 
Finally free from isolation.

I am water.
In the ocean.
Along the current.
Where they want me to be.
Fitting in. 
Here, I am the same.
Here, I do not stand out.
Here, I am indifferent.

I am water.
And I have never been so alone.