Tuesday 11 February 2014

We Are The Old Humans

  We are the old humans. The experienced ones. We know how to operates the world. And we used it for our personal gains. Not knowing the consequences that has yet to come.
  We are the old humans. The forgotten ones. We are the ones with the better mind. And we forgot how to used them not just for ourself. And forgot to advances the world with us.
  We are the old humans. The diligent ones. We work hard to improve ourself as a community. Not caring about the family we left behind. Left them to fend themself on their own.
  We are the old humans. The dependent ones. Always afraid of death. Always looking for a way to cheat them. And failing every time. But trying still. Because we are clingy.
  We need to die. Nature will find a way. Be careful for your whole life. Nature will still find a way to kill you. We die to make way for the next generation. The new humans.
  We are the old humans. The tired ones. And we need to go. We have done enough. It’s time for the new ones to take over. To lead them self better. And to learn from our mistakes. We are the old humans. And we are done.

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